Is Homework Harmful Or Helpful: A Professional View

You might think that there are no downsides to giving out a lot of homework for students, but there are. As with most things there are advantages and disadvantages to a heavy amount of work that students have to do in their free time. By understanding these factors then a middle ground can be found where the right amount of work is given out on a regular basis. Read on for the top advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of:


There are a variety of advantages to having a lot of work to do at home after classes, and they are as follows:

  • Preparation for exams: it is important to get prepared for your exams adequately so that you are well equipped with any question that might be thrown at you. Therefore, by receiving a continues stream of practice questions to do at home will be beneficial.
  • Some work better at home: it is the case that some students work and learn much better when they are at home. This could be because of a disruptive classroom or they feel they are able to take more time when at home.
  • Expand on work already done: in the classroom there is a limited amount of time that the teacher has to cover the content. Whereas, a student at home can go into more depth using the internet some topics that need more attention. This is especially true with all the helpful educational resources available online nowadays.


Here is a list of the disadvantages of homework that you should know about:

  • Less time for other activities: it is important for a child or student to have a range of activities in their weekly schedule, which leaves time for hobbies and sport. If too many projects are handed out on a daily basis, then the student might feel overwhelmed.
  • Repetitive: some of the work given to student could actually be a waste of time. For example, if it is exactly the same work that is given in class. Students can find more productive ways to spend their time and simply repeat work that was already completed in class.
  • Decreases class engagement: some students believe that they don’t need to pay much attention in class simply because they can learn what they need at home.

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