Answering The Common Question: Is Homework Good For Students?

People in education and that includes teachers, students, administrators, and parents are all going to debate over the effectiveness of homework. It isn’t always easy to come up with an answer because there are so many variables in this equation. But looking at these afterschool assignments objectively, it is safe to come to the conclusion that this is a beneficial exercise for students. There are a number reasons why this is so.

  • You Can’t Cover Everything in Class. There is only so much time in a given session and only so many sessions per week. There are various subjects where additional investigation is going to be needed. The idea is to instill the learning concepts firmly in the minds of the student. It is why those evening projects are so important.
  • The Interest of the Student Is Reinforced. A young person may become more than curious about subject matter which is presented in class. It is worthwhile to allow this person to have even more exposure, but there is only so much time in the class. The free time which includes weekends will allow the student to further investigate the subject. The afterschool projects help expand worthwhile curiosity.
  • It Encourages Teamwork. Not every afterschool project is going to be an individual effort. Teachers are becoming more accustomed to assigning group work and that is going to help the students enormous. The ability to communicate and also work in teams will help in later careers. Just as in individual occupations, the idea of having someone doing all of the homework alone is becoming a thing of the past.
  • Helps Develop Time Management Skills. A student has to learn how to budget the minutes and hours of the day. Those homework assignments actually help in creating good time management skills. A student has a better idea of how the day should be organized, and is usually surprised at how much can be accomplished. It is a life skill which will pay considerable benefits as a young person gets older.

With all this being said there is a word of caution. Assigning homework is not an invitation to overburden a student. Too much is certainly counterproductive. While we may think of school days as being wonderful, the student will tell you that there is a lot of pressure and stress. Any student needs some down time when he or she can recharge batteries. The right amount of outside work is going to enhance learning, enlarged knowledge base, and make the student more interested in the subject than before.

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